Whether you succeed in attracting younger women does not depend on your age or how substantial the age difference is. You may not have noticed this in any dating advice for men guide previously but it happens to be accurate.
All that's important is how you project yourself to these women...if you like, your front or image.
This is similar to dating women who are around your age although, evidently, you must make a few adjustments to take into account the "younger" age.
When a woman, younger or otherwise, looks at you, what does she see? Whether you like it or not, she will pass judgment on you according to several things like the kind of clothes you're wearing, how self-confident you look, the way you carry yourself, the words you speak, how you interrelate with others and so on.
In fact, what she's attempting to establish is who you are deep down and if you have what she's looking for. If you do, your age or anything else is beside the point. Women will always find men who've got what they need attractive..
Now, that's all fine and dandy but how do you convince her that you are worth her time?
By placing a high value on yourself. You see, being older, you've got loads of things going for you, like social standing, knowledge, expertise and financial security. This makes you a valuable and attractive individual.
However it is still not enough. Now, your task is to showcase your value to these younger women… to “sell” yourself, if you like.
And that's where you need advanced training. Let’s say you come up to a much younger woman than yourself in a bar or cafe and tell her: "Hi, I couldn't resist but I just had to come over and tell you how hot you look."
Unfortunately, you’ve just broken a very essential rule of dating, which is to stay away from making any sexual remark when you meet any woman for the first time. Try not to use the word "hot" because of its obvious sexual overtone.
And, needless to say, the younger woman will most definitely brand you as a dirty old man, which means that she’s already made up her mind an older man does not appeal to her.
After you approach a younger woman, you must get control of the discussion. Then, you start pushing her attraction buttons and “sell” yourself. Your goal is to determine whether she’s attracted to you before you move on to the next phase.
That’s where you make use of your superb qualities to project yourself as an interesting guy worth her attention... possibly, saying something like this: "He, remember what you said earlier on how disappointed you were for not getting those Beyonce concert tickets? I have a friend… If that's OK with you , I could get you a couple of tickets…"
You may not think so but these words pack a punch. They send her a clear signal that you are somebody of high value to her...someone who has a great lifestyle, knows people and get things done. You’ve done it stylishly, without making her want to throw up.
However, a word of caution. You have to back it up. If she thinks you’re lying, it’s game over. If not, you’ve just activated her attraction button, which is your first goal. You're well on the way to dating a single, attractive young woman.